For a cleaner world




Wind power industry turning point appears

On February 13, the National Energy Administration issued the "National Energy Administration's 2014 Market Supervision Work Highlights", again mentioning the need to strengthen the regulation of renewable energy such as wind power this year. As the country increased its adjustment to the energy structure, renewable energy such as wind power ushered in the second quarter of rapid development, and the performance of related companies also showed significant improvement. The industry believes that with the common internal and external environment, the turning point of the wind power industry has already appeared, and the recovery situation is gradually increasing.According to experts, last year's wind curtailment has shown signs of improvement, and wind power generation has increased significantly, and the industry turning point has emerged. According to the average utilization hour data of power generation equipment of 6000 kW and above in 2013 released by the National Energy Administration, the average utilization hours of wind power in China last year was 2,080 hours, an increase of 151 hours compared with 1929 in 2012. The average utilization hours of wind power reached the highest level in 2005. . According to the data of the provinces, the average utilization hours of wind power in Yunnan and Fujian ranked in the top two, reaching 2919 and 2745 hours respectively. Among the 10 provinces with wind power installed capacity exceeding 3 million kilowatts, the average utilization hours of wind power equipment in Xinjiang, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia and Ningxia exceeded the national average. At the same time, the National Renewable Energy Information Management Center released the “2013 National Wind Power Construction Express”, which showed that the annual national wind power generation in 2013 was 137.1 billion kWh, a substantial increase of 36% year-on-year.At the same time as the utilization of wind power has improved significantly, the national wind power construction has also rebounded more than expected. According to preliminary statistics of China Wind Energy Association, in 2013, China's wind power installed capacity was 16.1 million kilowatts, a significant increase of 24% compared with 1,296 kilowatts in 2012. The cumulative installed capacity of wind power has exceeded 90 million kilowatts. Previously, the industry expected a total installed capacity of 15 million kilowatts a year.Driven by good market demand, the domestic bidding price of wind turbines continued to rise. Taking the average bidding price of domestic 1.5MW wind turbines as an example, it has risen from 3788 yuan per kilowatt in the third quarter of 2012 to 3,912 yuan per kilowatt in the third quarter of 2013. The continuous increase in volume and price has also led to significant improvements in profitability for wind turbine manufacturers and component manufacturers in 2013. Listed company Goldwind Technology reported that net profit for 2013 increased by 150% to 200% year-on-year. Xiangdian Motor Co., Ltd. predicted that net profit for 2013 will turn around at a profitable year-on-year. Jixin Technology predicts net profit for 2013 will increase by 50% to 100%.This year, under the background of the state's efforts to support renewable energy, a number of favorable policies will boost the industry's economic recovery. The National Energy Administration recently issued the "2014 Energy Work Guidance Opinion", mentioned the "Renewable Energy Quota Management Measures" and the steady development of offshore wind power, which will have an important impact on the wind power industry. It is reported that the “Regulations on Renewable Energy Quota Management” provides clear quotas for the proportion of renewable energy in power generation enterprises, power grid companies and provinces, which will undoubtedly increase the enthusiasm of the above-mentioned parties for investing in renewable energy such as wind power. At the same time, China's coastline is long, and the offshore wind power market has huge room for development. The opening of this market will bring the wind power industry to a new height.



Wind power policy red envelope intensive release

Policy red envelopes are intensively releasedThe policy has a great impact on the development of the wind power industry. This can be seen from the development over the years, and the previously unstable wind power industry has also made new developments driven by the new policy. It is understood that the opinions of the State Council on promoting the healthy development of the wind power industry will effectively guide and promote the development of the wind power industry. The review that has been completed today shows that government support is the same as that of photovoltaics, and this policy will accelerate the development of wind power and promote social and economic development.According to news reports, the "Regulations on the Management of Renewable Energy Quotas" is expected to be introduced in the near future. The approach will provide clear quotas for the proportion of renewable energy in power generation companies, power grid companies and provinces. If the policy is clear, it will undoubtedly prompt the above parties to launch more wind power and photovoltaic projects. In addition, according to the Secretary-General of the China Wind Energy Association, the Ministry of Science and Technology will also launch a number of scientific and technological projects supporting wind power development this year to solve the bottleneck problem in wind power.Since January of last year, the National Energy Work Conference held in China has put forward a proposal for a general energy work plan. In this proposal, it clearly stated that it is necessary to vigorously develop new energy, promote the development of renewable resources, and assist the development of wind power industry. In the same year, the total amount of new wind power in the whole year has reached 18 million. Such a large amount, such a large policy promotion will naturally affect the lives of citizens.It is difficult to digest wind power, and the bottleneck problem is gradually solved.After the increase of more than 100% of new installed capacity in the five years from 2006 to 2010, in the early 2011, with the change of policies, the overcapacity problem accumulated before suddenly broke out, and the wind power industry suddenly fell into a trough. For example, during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the target for wind power generation in Inner Mongolia was 21 million kilowatts, while the actual power generation was 33 million kilowatts. When the local government builds a power station, it does not consider who to sell it to, as long as the project is on, it will be GDP, because of the problem of transmission, many wind farms are caught in the situation that electricity can not be sent out, and the profit is not enough. The effective utilization rate is only 60%. In 2012, the wind power loss was 20 billion kWh, enough to light up Beijing and Tianjin. whole year.UHV has become an expedient solution to this problem. Although there are criticisms such as strengthening monopoly and immature technology, the construction of UHV is gradually solving its bottleneck problem for the wind power industry. The State Grid recently said: Strive to approve this year. And the "6 AC 4 DC" UHV project was started, which greatly exceeded the previous expectations and created conditions for solving the huge amount of wind power that could not be delivered. In 2014, the probability of achieving wind power installation targets is large, and the wind power industry is likely to usher in the second spring.The 100 billion operation and maintenance market has just started. The outlook is optimistic.The operation and maintenance of wind power is different from the daily operation of the wind farm by the wind turbine owner, that is, the power generation enterprise. It mainly refers to the various operation and maintenance services of the owner (that is, the power generation enterprise) after the daily operation of the problem. The implementation of the wind power operation and maintenance business generally includes the inspection. , fixed repairs, and some accident repairs. How big is this market? At present, China has the world's No. 1 maintenance of wind power installed capacity, and the industry is very optimistic about this. According to the plan that China's wind power installed capacity should reach 200 million kilowatts by 2020, many industry insiders estimate that the total market for wind power operation and maintenance will be in the level of 100 billion yuan. At present, China has the world's first maintenance of wind power installed capacity, the industry is very optimistic about this. According to the plan that China's wind power installed capacity should reach 200 million kilowatts by 2020, many industry insiders estimate that the total market for wind power operation and maintenance will be in the level of 100 billion yuan.



The era of large-capacity offshore wind turbines

Offshore wind power is the key development direction of the wind power industry in the future. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, China will study the key technologies of 8 MW to 10 MW offshore wind turbines, establish a large-scale wind farm group intelligent control system and operation management system, reduce the electricity cost of offshore wind farms, and achieve 5 MW to 6 MW large offshore wind turbine installation standardization and intelligent unit operation and maintenance.“At present, many large machine manufacturers in China have launched large-scale offshore wind turbines with a single unit capacity of 3 MW to 6 MW. China's component manufacturers have been able to produce some core components such as blades, generators, converters, etc. The installation equipment can basically meet the current needs, but in the future, it needs to continue to invest as the scale of the industry increases." Qin Haiyan, secretary general of the Wind Energy Professional Committee of the China Renewable Energy Society, said that the current application conditions for offshore wind power scaled, but still There are many aspects such as offshore unit technology and reliability, offshore wind farm design, and offshore wind power engineering.With the continuous expansion of offshore wind farm development, major domestic unit manufacturers are actively investing in the research and development of high-power offshore wind turbines. The technology of 2.5~4 MW offshore wind turbines of a number of domestic major equipment manufacturers has been basically mature. The design and manufacturing capacity of 5~6.5 MW units is already in place, and it is in the prototype test stage.“China Seawear is committed to becoming the leader of offshore wind power in China. The 5 MW offshore wind turbines have always been in the leading position in the industry since the initial development of H128, H151 and H171, and will further innovate in the future. Breakthrough and develop 10 MW offshore wind turbines and floating offshore wind power,” said Chen Minjun, former deputy general manager of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.Qi Hesheng, Secretary General of the Wind Power Equipment Branch of China Agricultural Machinery Industry Association, put forward several suggestions for the development of offshore wind power: First, the wind power should not be used to develop offshore wind power; second, offshore wind power must be high reliability, high technology and high. The maturity will be considered; the third is to increase the relevant investment in offshore wind power and do a good job in technology research and development; the fourth is to provide green energy and green manufacturing in the process of production and construction in addition to providing clean energy.

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