For a cleaner world


Our company was selected as the Luoyang Civilized Unit in 2021
Time:2023-05-10 Click:38

Continue to deepen the construction of civic moral models, constantly enhance the enthusiasm of mass activities to create spiritual civilization, promote the high-quality development of spiritual civilization construction in the new era, and carry out mass activities to create spiritual civilization in towns and villages, civilized units, civilized campuses, civilized families, civilized communities, civilized scenic spots, etc. Urban and rural environmental outlook, social public order, public service level and residents' quality of life have been significantly improved, urban and rural residents' sense of gain, happiness and security have been continuously enhanced, and the level of civic quality and social civilization has been significantly improved, providing a strong ideological guarantee, strong spiritual strength, rich moral nourishment and a good social environment for the economic and social development of our city. A large number of advanced models with solid foundation, outstanding achievements, highly recognized by the masses and exemplary leading role have emerged, laying a solid foundation for building a national model city of civilization.

In order to fully demonstrate the fruitful achievements of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, further mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the whole society to participate in the construction of spiritual civilization, and promote the in-depth development of the construction of spiritual civilization in the whole city, the Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government decided to grant the title of Luoyang Civilized Town to 267 villages and towns such as Beiye Town of Xin 'an County. Awarded Luoyang Women's Federation and 246 units Luoyang civilized unit title, awarded Luoyang No. 15 Middle School and 71 schools Luoyang civilized campus title, awarded Li Linmao family and 80 families Luoyang civilized family title, awarded Zhou Shan Lu Street Zhonghong Central Square community 47 communities Luoyang civilized community title, Awarded the Yellow River Xiaolangdi water Conservancy complex scenic spot and other 6 scenic spots Luoyang civilized Scenic spot title. The units awarded the title will enjoy relevant treatment starting from January 2022.

Luoyang Haozhi Machinery Co., Ltd. was awarded the "2021 Luoyang Civilized Unit" honorary title, won the municipal civilized unit honor, marking the enterprise in the spiritual civilization work has made a major breakthrough and bearing fruits, but also reflects the enterprise in the spiritual civilization construction of advanced nature and demonstration.


"Luoyang Civilized Unit" title awarded by the municipal Party committee, the municipal government, are in recognition of the active cultivation and practice of socialist core values, economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, civilization construction and party building comprehensive development, spiritual civilization construction results outstanding, staff quality is high, good social image, give full play to the exemplary role of the unit.

My company won the "Luoyang Civilization Unit" honorary title, is to my company civilization to create the work of full affirmation, but also to the majority of employees and encouragement. Next, Luoyang Haozhi will bear in mind the original intention and mission of the enterprise, cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, continue to persevere and consistently focus on the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, constantly deepen the construction work, improve the level of creation, further consolidate the achievements of civilization creation, better play the demonstration role of "Luoyang civilized unit", promote the construction of enterprise spiritual civilization to a new level. To make new contributions to local economic development.

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