For a cleaner world




Luoyang Haozhi Machinery Co., Ltd. Holds Basketball Competitions to Enrich Employee Amateur Life

       In order to enrich the cultural and entertainment life of employees, fully tap into their teamwork spirit, and enhance the cohesion and pride of the enterprise among employees, the company organized a basketball match on the afternoon of November 2nd. The workshop men's team competed against the office men's team, and the workshop women's team competed against the office women's team. Various departments responded actively and organized teams to participate in the game.       Before the start of the game, everyone greeted and paid tribute to each other, shouting the slogan "Friendship first, competition second". After the game started, their competitive consciousness was stimulated, and everyone put on a real sword and gun posture. The game was extremely intense, with scores alternating and rising. The cheers and cheers from the cheers outside the field were even more enthusiastic, making the atmosphere of the basketball game continue to heat up. All the athletes, referees, staff, and on-site spectators performed outstandingly, and the staff actively provided logistical support. The referee and Ang Gong were impartial and wise, and all the athletes truly demonstrated the spirit of friendship first and competition second, creating a unique style and level of competition.       This event has enriched the leisure cultural life of employees and improved their team cooperation awareness. Similar activities will continue to be carried out in the future.



He Wuzhou, Secretary of Mengjin District Party Committee, Chang Yongtao, governor of Mengjin District visited our company for research

On the morning of May 9, 2023, He Wuzhou, Secretary of Mengjin District Party Committee, Chang Yongtao, governor of Mengjin District, led the main responsible comrades of the various Party committees and bureaux to visit our company for research. The research object was the construction of "three batch" key projects in the whole region and the development of three major transformation of enterprises. General Manager Yan Longxiang gave a warm reception and introduced the production and operation of the company, the main economic indicators in the first quarter and the market share of the main products in detail. The secretary of the District Party Committee He Wuzhou affirmed the development of the company and asked the company in detail what difficulties and problems existed at present.In view of the guarantee problems of land use index and other production factors existing in enterprises, the town and all committees and bureaux are required to innovate and develop ideas based on the concept of serving enterprises, take the initiative to understand the emergencies and worries of enterprises and solve their demands within the prescribed time limit, so as to create a good external environment for the development of enterprises, help enterprises to grow bigger and stronger, and promote people's employment and economic development. And put forward guidance and suggestions for the next development of the company.Later, the leaders, accompanied by Yan Longxiang, the general manager of the company, visited the production workshop for a survey. During the visit, Yan Longxiang, the general manager, introduced the company's leading products, production technology, new product development, listing progress and so on in detail. The leaders affirmed the company's production and operation, and hoped the company could make continuous efforts to enhance its core competitiveness. Continue to make bigger and stronger, as soon as possible to complete the listing work.This survey not only reflects the attention of the district Party committee and the district government to our company, but also gives us encouragement and motivation. We will continue to work hard on production safety and technological innovation, constantly improve the comprehensive strength of the enterprise, consolidate and improve the position of the industry, and make greater contribution to the development of regional economy.



Our company was selected as the Luoyang Civilized Unit in 2021

Continue to deepen the construction of civic moral models, constantly enhance the enthusiasm of mass activities to create spiritual civilization, promote the high-quality development of spiritual civilization construction in the new era, and carry out mass activities to create spiritual civilization in towns and villages, civilized units, civilized campuses, civilized families, civilized communities, civilized scenic spots, etc. Urban and rural environmental outlook, social public order, public service level and residents' quality of life have been significantly improved, urban and rural residents' sense of gain, happiness and security have been continuously enhanced, and the level of civic quality and social civilization has been significantly improved, providing a strong ideological guarantee, strong spiritual strength, rich moral nourishment and a good social environment for the economic and social development of our city. A large number of advanced models with solid foundation, outstanding achievements, highly recognized by the masses and exemplary leading role have emerged, laying a solid foundation for building a national model city of civilization.In order to fully demonstrate the fruitful achievements of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, further mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the whole society to participate in the construction of spiritual civilization, and promote the in-depth development of the construction of spiritual civilization in the whole city, the Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government decided to grant the title of Luoyang Civilized Town to 267 villages and towns such as Beiye Town of Xin 'an County. Awarded Luoyang Women's Federation and 246 units Luoyang civilized unit title, awarded Luoyang No. 15 Middle School and 71 schools Luoyang civilized campus title, awarded Li Linmao family and 80 families Luoyang civilized family title, awarded Zhou Shan Lu Street Zhonghong Central Square community 47 communities Luoyang civilized community title, Awarded the Yellow River Xiaolangdi water Conservancy complex scenic spot and other 6 scenic spots Luoyang civilized Scenic spot title. The units awarded the title will enjoy relevant treatment starting from January 2022.Luoyang Haozhi Machinery Co., Ltd. was awarded the "2021 Luoyang Civilized Unit" honorary title, won the municipal civilized unit honor, marking the enterprise in the spiritual civilization work has made a major breakthrough and bearing fruits, but also reflects the enterprise in the spiritual civilization construction of advanced nature and demonstration."Luoyang Civilized Unit" title awarded by the municipal Party committee, the municipal government, are in recognition of the active cultivation and practice of socialist core values, economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, civilization construction and party building comprehensive development, spiritual civilization construction results outstanding, staff quality is high, good social image, give full play to the exemplary role of the unit.My company won the "Luoyang Civilization Unit" honorary title, is to my company civilization to create the work of full affirmation, but also to the majority of employees and encouragement. Next, Luoyang Haozhi will bear in mind the original intention and mission of the enterprise, cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, continue to persevere and consistently focus on the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, constantly deepen the construction work, improve the level of creation, further consolidate the achievements of civilization creation, better play the demonstration role of "Luoyang civilized unit", promote the construction of enterprise spiritual civilization to a new level. To make new contributions to local economic development.



The era of large-capacity offshore wind turbines

Offshore wind power is the key development direction of the wind power industry in the future. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, China will study the key technologies of 8 MW to 10 MW offshore wind turbines, establish a large-scale wind farm group intelligent control system and operation management system, reduce the electricity cost of offshore wind farms, and achieve 5 MW to 6 MW large offshore wind turbine installation standardization and intelligent unit operation and maintenance.“At present, many large machine manufacturers in China have launched large-scale offshore wind turbines with a single unit capacity of 3 MW to 6 MW. China's component manufacturers have been able to produce some core components such as blades, generators, converters, etc. The installation equipment can basically meet the current needs, but in the future, it needs to continue to invest as the scale of the industry increases." Qin Haiyan, secretary general of the Wind Energy Professional Committee of the China Renewable Energy Society, said that the current application conditions for offshore wind power scaled, but still There are many aspects such as offshore unit technology and reliability, offshore wind farm design, and offshore wind power engineering.With the continuous expansion of offshore wind farm development, major domestic unit manufacturers are actively investing in the research and development of high-power offshore wind turbines. The technology of 2.5~4 MW offshore wind turbines of a number of domestic major equipment manufacturers has been basically mature. The design and manufacturing capacity of 5~6.5 MW units is already in place, and it is in the prototype test stage.“China Seawear is committed to becoming the leader of offshore wind power in China. The 5 MW offshore wind turbines have always been in the leading position in the industry since the initial development of H128, H151 and H171, and will further innovate in the future. Breakthrough and develop 10 MW offshore wind turbines and floating offshore wind power,” said Chen Minjun, former deputy general manager of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.Qi Hesheng, Secretary General of the Wind Power Equipment Branch of China Agricultural Machinery Industry Association, put forward several suggestions for the development of offshore wind power: First, the wind power should not be used to develop offshore wind power; second, offshore wind power must be high reliability, high technology and high. The maturity will be considered; the third is to increase the relevant investment in offshore wind power and do a good job in technology research and development; the fourth is to provide green energy and green manufacturing in the process of production and construction in addition to providing clean energy.



Focus on energy reform policy dividends

On June 13, the sixth meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Leading Group was held to study China's energy security strategy.President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech stressing: 1) Continue to develop long-distance large-capacity transmission technology. 2) Grasp the construction of new nuclear power projects in the eastern coastal areas. 3) Actively promote the reform of the energy system and pay close attention to formulating the overall plan for the reform of the power system and the reform of the oil and gas system.This is a revolution, which indicates that China's energy strategy will undergo fundamental changes. The traditional coal-based adjustment will change, which will bring growth space for natural gas and new energy. We are optimistic about multi-level energy supply: natural gas. , hydropower, wind power, photovoltaics, nuclear power and other renewable energy sources.Hot Review of Transmission and Distribution Market: Continue to Develop Long Distance Large Capacity Transmission Technology1) Pay attention to the construction of UHV. Recently, the high-level frequently expressed the power to push the long-distance large-capacity transmission technology, which will bring substantial progress to the UHV approval. UHV DC and intranet AC lines will be ushered in for approval and construction, and the State Grid expects that the earliest batch of transmission channels will be completed in 2016. 2) Continue to recommend the UHV plate faucet Pinggao Electric.PV market hot review: Ground quota is expected to increaseAccording to media reports, the quota of western ground power stations is expected to increase by 2-3GW in the near future, and some distributed roads in the eastern region have been issued. We believe that the industry will come in the second half of the year:1) 14GW installed in the whole year, of which 9GW is expected to be on the ground and 5GW is distributed. 2) In the third quarter, the industry ushered in a rush to install, and the economy continued to rise.Wind power market hot review: offshore wind power policy will be introducedRecently, news of the introduction of offshore wind power benchmarking price policy has been frequently transmitted, or it indicates that offshore wind power construction will be heavy in the second half of the year. According to media reports, the possibility of the introduction of on-grid tariffs for offshore wind power in the second half of the year is expected to increase:1) The introduction of the unified bidding price for offshore wind power will bring the peak of offshore wind power construction. 2) Offshore wind power will open up the growth space of the wind power industry.

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