For a cleaner world


Luoyang Haozhi Machinery Co., Ltd. Holds Basketball Competitions to Enrich Employee Amateur Life
Time:2023-12-26 Click:38

       In order to enrich the cultural and entertainment life of employees, fully tap into their teamwork spirit, and enhance the cohesion and pride of the enterprise among employees, the company organized a basketball match on the afternoon of November 2nd. The workshop men's team competed against the office men's team, and the workshop women's team competed against the office women's team. Various departments responded actively and organized teams to participate in the game.

       Before the start of the game, everyone greeted and paid tribute to each other, shouting the slogan "Friendship first, competition second". After the game started, their competitive consciousness was stimulated, and everyone put on a real sword and gun posture. The game was extremely intense, with scores alternating and rising. The cheers and cheers from the cheers outside the field were even more enthusiastic, making the atmosphere of the basketball game continue to heat up. All the athletes, referees, staff, and on-site spectators performed outstandingly, and the staff actively provided logistical support. The referee and Ang Gong were impartial and wise, and all the athletes truly demonstrated the spirit of friendship first and competition second, creating a unique style and level of competition.

       This event has enriched the leisure cultural life of employees and improved their team cooperation awareness. Similar activities will continue to be carried out in the future.

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